Manga & Anime Society, Kharagpur

こんにちは! We are the Manga & Anime Society, Kharagpur [MASK]. We are a group of manga and anime enthusiasts who work on spreading the culture.

What we do here

We, as a society, work on quite a few things, ranging from fan-arts and AMVs to reviews, newsletters and puzzles. We are also slowly expanding our reach to some other domains as well, but you'll have to find out about those later.

We accept fan-arts and AMVs from others outside our society and are open to publishing and featuring them. In case you want to publish your art under our handle, do submit them through our external submissions form (which you can also find on the main page).


We have the following teams


The society was established in 2020 by a couple of students from IIT Kharagpur who dreamed of having a place to discuss and promote anime and manga. The idea spread and became popular, and after a lot of effort by a lot of students, we've finally reached where we are today.